Security Intelligence Sharing
As service provider security teams attempt to secure their networks, they often end up using a variety of products and solutions. The wide range of available options almost guarantees that these disparate products and solutions will rarely if ever interact with each other. This causes a myriad of problems, both from a security and an operational perspective.
Ribbon solves the security isolation issue by sharing the threat intelligence derived by these individual solutions across the network. Ribbon not only reduces the management silos, but also greatly reduces the threat landscape.
Ribbon Security
Security Intelligence Sharing Features & Benefits
– Centralised detection and auto-mitigation RTC attacks and threats;
– Raise the entire network security aperture;
– Establish a comprehensive and correlated view of attack/threat activity;
– Minimised firewall / SBC configuration issues by sharing enforcement policies; and
– Dynamically share bad actor lists with other Protect Apps.